This year's Bedford County Fair will be held Sept. 27-30, 2018 at the Glenwood Center, 2074 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, VA. Admissions and parking is free.
Ethan Jackson, a recent graduate of Staunton River High School, has been named 2018-2019 Virginia FFA State President at the 92nd Virginia FFA State Convention held in June in Blacksburg. He's the first to serve in the top role from Bedford County.
The Smith Mountain FFA – Staunton River team brought home numerous awards at the 2018 Virginia FFA Convention held on June 18-21, 2018, including first place in the livestock judging competition.
Bedford Farmers Market is adding an online market to accommodate customers with busy schedules – order online and pick up your local food on Tuesdays. Shopping through the online market starts April 25th. Shop weekly online from Wednesday mornings through Sundays at midnight. Your custom, fresh order will arrive at the Bedford Farmers Market by
Brandy Ferguson was recognized by the Bedford County Board of Supervisors at its April 9th meeting for her outstanding dedication and leadership to Bedford County’s agriculture community. Ms. Ferguson has been a staple in the Bedford County agricultural community her entire life. As a little girl, she worked alongside her grandfather and she fell in love
The following is a letter to the editor of the Bedford Bulletin written by Dr. Don Gardner of Gardner Heifers located in Huddleston, VA. Seven local sportsmen collected $3,000.00 in prize money at the recent Coyote Lottery drawing. Hunters and trappers could enter a ticket in the drawing for each animal they checked in at
Keith Tuck of Moneta was recently featured in Progressive Farmer, a national farm publication. Savings Bump – Boot the Hay Habit By Becky Mills Contributing Editor to Progressive Farmer If you want proof Keith Tuck’s rotational-grazing system works, take a look at his hay equipment. Oh, wait. It’s gone. He sold it in 2016. “It
Springlake Stockyard will hold a Feeder Calf Sale on January 19, 2018 at 5 p.m.
The Bedford County Sheriff's Office is looking for livestock owners who would be willing to assist. Update your info to their list.
The program hopes to entice hunters to once again participate in an effort aimed at managing the growing threat of the predators on livestock.