Key benefits of locating in Bedford County
- Virginia is a “Right to Work” state with low union activity.
- Major markets like Washington D.C., New York City and Atlanta are all within a day’s drive.
- Strategically positioned between two MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas), helping you draw from a potential workforce of well over 400,000 people.
- Real estate tax rates are just $0.41 per $100 assessed value.
- Business tax rates are well below the national average.
- Overall business costs are below the national average.
- No Merchant’s Capital Tax.
- No Business License Tax in Bedford County.
- Cooperative, business-friendly local government, and Board.
- Great public school system with excellent achievement scores.
- Foreign Trade Zone member.
- Enterprise and Technology Zones, plus local incentives.
- Two Opportunity Zones within the County
- Four inter-regional highways with U.S. 460 connecting with I-81 near Roanoke.

A cooperative, pro-business local government
Government attitude toward business and industry is one of cooperation and support—as evidenced by a long-running revenue-sharing agreement and shared responsibilities for economic development between the Town of Bedford and Bedford County.
The Town operates under a Town Manager with a Town Council as its guiding body. A Board of Supervisors governs the County and employs a County Administrator as Chief Administrative Officer.