Guidance on the current land rental/lease rates for farmland in Virginia is one of the most frequent calls many agents and specialists receive.
Small Business Development Center is establshing business counseling hours at the CVCC Bedford Campus
Blue Ridge Optics of Bedford, Virginia has been selected as one of 13 finalists in the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business Fourth Annual Tayloe Murphy Resilience Awards. This prestigious awards program honors strong, resilient small business owners in Virginia who have endured downturns in the most economically-challenged communities due to their dedication and
The metal fabrication business in the former Winn-Dixie shopping center in Bedford, is already looking to ramp up by adding a second shift just three months after its initial start.
Stay connected by participating in Virginia Agribusiness Council’s Regional Roundtables! Get updates from Todd Haymore, Secretary of Agriculture & Forestry and Congressman Robert Hurt, 5th District and have the opportunity to ask your own questions. There is no cost to attend, but registration is requested.
This is a free event and open to the public. Come learn about ongoing research at Virginia State University Randolph Farm located in Petersburg, Virginia. Research and Extension presentations will raise small farm producer awarness about small farm production and marketing. Online registration only. For further information, please click here.
The Virginia Forage and Glassland Council’s grazing field tour will be held at Dawn Dairy operated by Mr. Tommy Watson and his family. In the late 1980’s, Mr. Watson made the decision to transition from a silage-based dairy to a grazing system due to crop failures and a belief that he could farm the land
A Bedford County nanotechnology company called NanoTouch™ has launched a crowdfunding campaign.
Businesses and area community leaders had the opportunity to hear from County and Town of Bedford enthusiasts to learn about projects they are working on to move Bedford forward to help attract new investments during a recent roundtable meeting.
The Bedford One Program is in its fifth year of success with more than 1,000 students and nearly 50 companies participating. This program links high school students with area businesses based on their career interests with planned tours and opportunities for internships. Bedford One is a partnership between the Bedford County Office of Economic Development,