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The metal fabrication business in the former Winn-Dixie shopping center on Blue Ridge Avenue in Bedford, is already looking to ramp up by adding a second shift just three months after its initial start.
Central Virginia Manufacturing is producing laboratory cabinetry and associated carbon and stainless products, mostly as a supplying firm to Canadian-based Mott Manufacturing Ltd.
Co-owners Chris Markham and Dave Hanowitz are leasing more than 20,000 square feet in the 58,000 square foot store that sat vacant for many years. Since the duo started in April, they have outfitted the facility with advanced manufacturing equipment and hired 13 full time employees. They expect to hire a few more to reach 100 percent production capacity on first shift. “We’re going to use the first shift staffing as a template for a second and third shift as we ramp up,” said Markham about their long-range plans. The jobs currently open are in CNC machining, press break operations, shipping and receiving, and assembly and packaging.
“We’re glad to be a part of revitalizing Bedford and growing the manufacturing base here,” added Hanowitz.
Bedford County’s Office of Economic Development assisted the Company with location siting and connecting them with state and regional resources for workforce training and hiring services. The Town of Bedford assisted them with utility service connections to get them up and running.
In addition to its partnership with Mott Manufacturing, Central Virginia Manufacturing also picks up steel work from regional companies as needed.
For more information, please contact Dave Hanowitz or Chris Markham at 540-425-3665.