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— Bedford Farmers Market exceeds 450 attendees for season
— Forest Farmers Market tops $400,000 in local sales
The Ag Board heard a report this month from the Market Managers of the Forest Farmers Market and the Bedford Farmers Market. They stated they have seen increased visitors at the markets this year due to the rising awareness of the health benefits of locally grown foods. For the Bedford Market, Erika McFaden, said her market had 20-25 vendors this year and 450 attendees so far this season. She is looking at hosting a Saturday market on November 14 and possibly one in December as well. For the Forest Farmers Market, Dorothy McIntyre distributed a report to Ag Board members that showed total combined sales at her market near $400,000 so far this season. This is money that helps local farmers and their families. She has an average of 28 vendors a week and donates any leftover produce to the Society of St. Andrew to distribute to those less fortunate. She will hold a monthly Winter Market as well this year. Congratulations to the Bedford and Forest Farmers Markets on a successful summer season of local sales. Learn more at and