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Investment includes $4.6 million in new equipment and 16 full-time jobs
Bedford, Virginia— The Office of Economic Development is pleased to announce that Smyth Companies LLC of Bedford will invest more than $4.6 million in new offset printing equipment at its Bedford facility and add a minimum of 16 full time jobs over the next three years.
The investment comes in the form of a new sheet-fed press to be installed over the next several months that will give the company a greater capacity to grow its production and improve efficiencies to compete in the highly advanced print label industry.
“This new press is critical in securing our long-term success in this highly competitive market,” said Ryan Allison, VP of Offset and Commercial printing, Smyth Companies LLC. “This investment will help us get into new emerging markets as we grow our business in Bedford.”
“We are pleased to support continued growth of Smyth Companies Custom Label. It’s always nice to see an existing business expand and create new jobs and investment,” said Del. Terry Austin (R-VA19th District).
The Bedford County Economic Development Authority will assist the company under a defined performance agreement that pays a $25,000 cash grant up front for its commitment of 16 new jobs and $4.6 million in investment in Bedford. The EDA will work with the Company annually to review progress and consider additional grants, depending on jobs and investment added above the initial commitment.
“We’re thrilled to assist this long-standing company that has provided quality jobs to so many local residents throughout the years,” said Wyatt Walton, Chairman of the Bedford County EDA.
The Office of Economic Development also coordinated with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s Virginia Jobs Investment Program and Region 2000 Workforce Development Board to provide funding and employee training services.
Among the jobs to be available are press operators, finishing operators, and customer service representatives. Smyth Companies LLC currently employs 109 at the Bedford facility. For further information about job openings, please contact Smyth Companies LLC here.