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The Smith Mountain Future Farmers of America – Staunton River brought home numerous awards at the 2018 Virginia FFA Convention held on June 18-21, 2018, including first place in the livestock judging competition and they celebrated one of their own being named the State FFA President, Ethan Jackson.
Virginia FFA is an intra-curricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership and it’s one of the three components of agricultural education. In addition to students who are interested in traditional farming, FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more.
Among the list of awards for the Smith Mountain FFA-Staunton River team are:
The Livestock Judging junior team – 1st Place in the State among 17 teams
Team members with individual placings were:
- Samantha Holdren – 8th place
*Samantha also placed 2nd in the state in junior public speaking - Emma Jackson – 2nd place
- Claire Overstreet – 6th place
- Danielle Tuck – 5th place
The Ag. Sales team – 5th overall out of 13 teams and 51 students
- Andrew Tuck ( 4th individual)
- Madison Overstreet
- Carrie Akers
- Josh Powers
Junior Horse Judging –1st Place in the state among 10 teams
- Cali Levine (6th individual)
- Jeni Levine
- Emma Conner (1st place individual)
- Sarah Goyne (5th individual)
Senior Horse Judging – 2nd overall in state among 17 teams
These will advance to the Big E competition in Massachusetts.
- Kalie Greene (9th individual)
- Sarah Shinault (7th individual)
- Sam Levine 1st place individual
- Breanna Walker 9th individual
Senior Hippology – 6th overall among 26 teams
Same team members as senior judging team.
Individual Hippology recognitions:
- Sarah Shinault – 7th
- Sara Goyne – 8th junior
The SM FFA Chapter also honored and congratulated Ethan Jackson on being elected Virginia State FFA president while at the Convention. Ethan is the first Bedford County student in history to become an FFA State President. Ethan also received his state degree, was the star south ridge area Ag. Placement, and state swine production proficiency winner. He will advance to Nationals.