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Adult and Career Education of Central Virginia (ACE) in collaboration with Amherst County High School, Banker Steel, and the Region 2000 Workforce Center is beginning the recruiting phase for a Point A Welding Program. The program, which is 10-12 weeks long, will require participants to attend one class a week from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. to learn about flux-cored arc welding and gas metal arc welding. The course will help to qualify them for entry positions at Banker Steel. Participants that complete the program have a chance to also earn a Career Readiness Certificate and American Welding Society D1.1 Flux-Cored Certification upon completion.
Banker Steel has helped to develop the curriculum for the course and will provide further guidance and support for the program. The Region 2000 Workforce Center will help to provide funding for individuals who qualify for WIOA funds. In addition, ACE will help provide some of the training for soft skills and career readiness certificate, along with building background knowledge with participants prior to the start of the technical courses. As participants move through the program, ACE will provide the academic support needed to increase the participants overall success.
Adult Ed classes for the program will begin February 22 to develop work readiness skills and to prep students for the technical skill requirements. The technical component of the program will begin March 15.
Visit the ACE website to sign up, here.