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Michael Maxwell, founder of M.T. Maxwell Furniture Company in the Town of Bedford, has been named a recipient of the 2015 Virginia Juried Master Artisan by the Artisans Center of Virginia. After opening his business in Bedford 20 years ago, Maxwell has become a respected artisan in the community and his work is known and sold worldwide.
Maxwell, who accredits his interest in woodworking to getting his hands on his great great-grandfather’s toolbox, began his apprenticeship with a high end furniture company outside of New York. After a decade of designing and hand-crafting award winning furniture in New York, he moved his family to Bedford where he has continued to create one-of-a-kind pieces.
Maxwell is a member of the Bedford Artisan Trail, and is known for his extreme attention to detail and great care in crafting each signature piece. He is also well known for his active involvement in the community, having mentored 25-30 students during his first 10 years of business in Bedford and assisting in his son’s eagle project to design and build benches for Bedford County’s Welcome Center. In addition, he offers workshops that other scouts can use to acquire badges in craftsmanship.
Michael will be formally recognized next Tuesday, March 17 at the Statewide Artisan Conference’s Awards for Excellence Celebration in Charlottesville, Virginia.
View Michael’s designs here: