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Business Game Plan
You wouldn’t go into a game without a plan to win – your business is no different.
Business Game Plan is a multi- week seminar designed to help owners and leaders of businesses make a plan to grow and scale their business. Facilitators will coach participants to help businesses make positive adjustments as we move past a Covid-19 pandemic economy. Participants will meet professionals in various fields such as Legal, HR, Banking, Marketing and Finance, and create relationships with other business owners or leaders and mentors from the SBDC Lynchburg Region.
This is a 9-week program, presented on Zoom, begins on October 7 at 6 pm. APPLICATIONS FOR THE PROGRAM MUST BE FULLY COMPLETE BY SEPTEMBER 30 to be considered for one of 15 seats.
Businesses will come away with a strategic plan for their business. The ideal candidate will be able to attend all the meetings as an active participant. Preference will be given to businesses in the Lynchburg Region.
Application and more information is at: