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We recently wrapped up our Bedford ONE tours for the 2017/18 school year. The Bedford ONE Program (ONE = Offering New Experiences) is managed by the Bedford County Office of Economic Development with help from the EDA, and guided by a Steering Committee made up of representatives from Bedford County Schools, Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce, CVCC’s Career Coaches, and private sector businesses.
More than 225 students from Bedford Science and Technology Center, Jefferson Forest High School, Liberty High School, and Staunton River High School visited 15 companies and/or colleges and universities this year to explore career pathways ranging from agriculture and advanced manufacturing to public safety and healthcare. We even had some students during the tours ask for applications right on site!
Thanks to Gardner Heifers, Royal Oak Farm, Blue Ridge Optics, Smyth, LiteSheet Solutions, Innerspec, Valtim, Innovairre, Lynchburg College (University of Lynchburg), Bedford County Courthouse, Bedford Police Department, Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Jefferson College of Health Sciences, U.S. Pipe and Automated Conveyor Systems for taking the time to show our local students the diverse industries and careers we have in our region.
We are already making plans for the fall and are excited about the upcoming tours.