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Ethan Jackson, a recent graduate of Staunton River High School, has been named 2018-2019 Virginia FFA State President at the 92nd Virginia FFA State Convention held in June in Blacksburg. Ethan is a member of the Smith Mountain FFA – Staunton River Chapter, In his new role, he will be traveling with fellow state officers to motivate the next generation of agriculturalists, while serving as an ambassador of agriculture.
Virginia FFA is an intra-curricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership and it’s one of the three components of agricultural education. In addition to students who are interested in traditional farming, FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more.
Ethan is Bedford County’s first State President for FFA. Congratulations to the 2018-2019 Virginia FFA State Officer Team! #VAFFA92
From left to right:
State President-Ethan Jackson
State Secretary-Kendall Knicely
State Vice President-Nathan McDonald
State Vice President- Matthew Myers
State Vice President-Claire Seibel
State Treasurer-Ruth Fitzgerald
State Reporter-Newlin Humphrey
State Sentinel-Katherine Thompson
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