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Ethan Jackson of Moneta will serve as President through June 2019
Bedford, Virginia— The Bedford County Office of Economic Development and Bedford County Agricultural Economic Development Board (Ag Board) is pleased to announce that the Virginia Future Farmers Association (FFA) selected Ethan Jackson, a Staunton River High School 2018 graduate, as its new State President, to serve a one-year term, representing the group at schools and organizations across the Commonwealth.
Jackson is a member of the Smith Mountain FFA and was elected for the top post by a nominating committee made up of FFA members from around the state. He was selected among a membership base of more than 9,000 and appointed at the 92nd Virginia FFA State Convention held in June at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.
“They called my name and I ran up to the stage and I felt like I was floating on a cloud,” Ethan said. “It was such an honor to be selected as a state officer and to represent FFA across the state.”
Ethan, who is employed by Powers Cattle Company in Moneta, says he has already began his duties as President which involves making numerous appearances monthly with the state officers team at FFA chapters and agriculture organizations across the state. He said he enjoys speaking to high school students about ag careers and he consistently promotes the three pillars of FFA which are premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.
Virginia FFA is an intra-curricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership and it’s one of the three components of agricultural education in Virginia. In addition to students who are interested in traditional farming, FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more.
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